Category: Lyrics

sawul fffam tecasa sssy
I can feel your sadness

sawurb fffam tecasa sssy
I can feel this world’s sadness

yerh zecta lerx duseat maal sss
I want to protect my precious you

yerh zecta ferx cafeb maarb itt sss
I want to protect this beloved world

fayelebe zayy sss feweve lex hyummnos
I shall entrust my heart into singing this song

sss illm baars meevax yearh leee
Because that is the only thing I could do

TiS tEnaYto tAA tII na Stu TTTT
Oh Light, bestow power unto this weak heart, cleanse everything with thy Divine power, save everything, bestow the power of Love unto us

SAax tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE
Oh the divine wish that dwells in my heart, protect everything, save everything

SAax tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE
Protect everything, bestow the joy of being alive unto them

降り注ぐ 光浴びて
織り上げる 魂の歌
Bathe in the pouring Light
And weave the Song of souls

この願いを 届けて
To the shining future
Send this wish away

Was yea ra chs rre corle fhauri.
I shall gladly turn my heart into a fragment of Light

Was yea ra lhasya tatakafria.
I shall gladly connect to all existences

Was yea ra chs rre asyar tes ciel.
I shall gladly let my emotions melt into the world

Rrha yea ra lhasya yos fedyya.
I shall gladly connect to your future

Was yea ra grlanza rre fhau coree
Dance with me, oh the Light that dwells in my heart

sos karf shyun tes lulurnya.
So that I can change sadness into joy

SAax tIirs fawEE rAE StIyn raYEE!!
Oh my destiny entrusted in my thoughts, set free everything!!

YIx tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE
Oh Light, oh Divine power, protect everything, save everything

YIiix tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE
Protect everything, bestow the hope of being alive unto them

過ちを 数多の罪を
清めゆく 赦しの歌
Mistakes and countless sins alike
Let the Song of forgiving cleanse them all

E I eeeiiio cet tetyio I yA hyea
E I eeeiiio cet tetyio I Yyy AAA
Oh great Divine power, oh the power of Love that embraces all, destroy the evil and fill the Light upon all existences

今 断ち切られて
永遠の 希望を抱き
蘇れ 翡翠の星
The curse of destruction
Now, I shall tear it apart
And embrace eternal hope
Reborn, oh the green Star

Zan stiiy yE Xa iEi AaaA IYA
Oh God, save us, let thy great Love fill everything to the brim

Zan stimyni ipy EiE
Xans TIyi MinY ImYni mIIl ni
Oh God, bestow thy mercy upon us, forgive those weak existences and lead them to the Light of righteousness
Let the Love of Origin never die, and lead us the way to purification

Oh precious Love of Origin, oh Light of purification!!

Was yea ra rre syana konla tou ciel.
I shall gladly let my love resound to the sky

Was yea ra vaffa anw gauto.
I shall gladly clear away the dark clouds

Was yea ra rre nell syana tou dor.
I shall gladly let my wish resound to the land

Was yea ra yesse anw tatakaria.
I shall gladly bring up all existences

Rrha yea ra arl ter sonwe an marfo ciel.
Sing with me, oh the Star of Love

Rrha yea ra hymme en echrra sos karf shyun tes lulurnya!!
Sing and resound with me, so that I can change sadness into joy!!

YIx tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE!!!!
Oh Light, oh Divine power, protect everything, save everything!!!

YIiix tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE!!!!
Protect everything, bestow the hope of being alive unto them!!!

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

en na cyurio re chyet
I’ll plead to be the logical choice

Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya
So that it never happens again, please give me hope

Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye
I’m hesitant to try and understand if the person before me is a doer of good

Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe
I’m desperate, so please give me hope by praying for forgiveness

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

en na cyurio re chyet
I’ll plead to be the logical choice

Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya
So that it never happens again, please give me hope

Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye
I’m hesitant to try and understand if the person before me is a doer of good

Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe
I’m desperate, so please give me hope by praying for forgiveness

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen
Hey you, listen to me

Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf
I plead with you to give my life meaning

Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis
For I want to continue my life until the very end

Rrha ki ra chyet oz omnis
I want to continue feeling whole

Oh, holy power filled with love!

Was yea ra hymme EXA_PICO.
Since very long, long ago, since the beginning of this world, Exa Pico has been singing in a whisper.

echrra hymme en omnis ciel.
In the soundless sea, the waves are born from among the stillness, and then,
they spread in all directions.

sor saash
That is the Origin of Life

sor / rol / keenis / sheak
That is like the shine of the sun

rre ammue chs near en gyen shen iem!
Now, the new songs were whispered, as the waves became life!

Chorus 1:
nha infel shen sos yor,
Now, accept the light of love in all of you,

Chorus 2:
hymme briyante hymmnos, li marta!
Our mothers are the songs of joy that are being played!

Chorus 3:
Was yea ra Wee yea ra Rrha yea ra pomb oz noes

Chorus 4:
chs lusye sol vonn chs fane
The songs become the lights that illuminate the darkness, and these
countless lights then become the love that nurtures our lives.

marta! la ar ciel!
Mother! Of the world!

その愛の詩で 全てを赦す星
sono ai no uta de subete o yurusu hoshi
With these songs of love, oh planet, please forgive everything

Wee yea ra hymme an yanyaue yor,
I am glad to sing with you, my precious person,

Wee yea ra echrra eazas ee ciel.
And to resonate together with the universe.

Was yea ra hymme jam fandel manaf,
I am very glad to resound with the countless lives,

forgandal, manafeeze an yor.
Because we can live all together.

星は原初の核 詩囁いて
生命の音霊 (おとだま) 紡ぎ 謳う丘へ宿す
hoshi wa gensho no toki uta sasayaite
seimei no otodama tsumugi utau oka e yadosu
When the stars were born, the songs whispered,
crafting the sounds of the souls of life, and entrusting them to the Singing Hill

やがて彼の音たち 詩を操り
皆 母を燒き 我に奇跡を!と 叫ぶ
yagate kare no ototachi uta wa ayatsuri
minna haha wo yaki ware ni kiseki wo! to sakebu
Before soon, their sounds began manipulating the songs,
and they screamed “Everyone, let us burn our motherly sounds, so they can bring miracles to us!”

Was ki ra jass,
We wish

chs hymme en synk mean
and then, we overlap our singing voices filled with feelings.

Wee quel ra zenva jouee, got omnis ciel,
We want to surpass God! We want to obtain everything on this world!

presia nha pauwel!!
Please, songs! Become our power!!

rre pauwel quowjaz, chs saash en gyusya
The power is justice, and with it, we became the lords of God

魂のリズムは パルスに侵されて
想い忘れてただ 刻む
tamashii no rizumu wa parusu ni okasarete
omoi wasurete tada kizamu
The rhythm of the souls was invaded by pulses,
and the feelings just were carved until they were forgotten.

母の意志 畏れ見よ
共に在れば 想い還るだろう
haha no ishi osoremi yo
tomo ni areba omoi kaeru darou
The Will of Mother watches over us in fear.
If we could live together with her again, the feelings should return

Ma ki ga rre enesse ruinie noce.
The souls destroyed themselves.

en rre guartz, sa en dsier gyusya ar warce dor.
And then, they covered this blessed land with their own selfish desires,
anger and karma.

Was granme ra synk spiritum en hymme fandel sol ciel.
Let the souls join each other, and let us sing as the many souls of this

Ar tonelico

想いの木を育てる その根は繋がりて
心重なり合える 詩はいのちの種
omoi no ki o sodateru sono ne wa tsunagarite
kokoro kasanariaeru uta wa inochi no tane
Raise the trees of feelings, and join their roots,
so the hearts can become one in harmony. The Songs are the seeds of life…

xA rre exali sarr wLYErm anw sphaela/.
(The dazzling shining sunlight covered the whole world)

xA sorr aLYEuk zess l.l.n. anw aje harphe/.
(Like a blessing of the early morning being praised)

xA sorr aLYEuk zess y.y. Ahiew_ayulsa/.
(Like the healing of a frozen long sadness)

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
花を散じ 朱に染めた指で
Hana wo sanji shu ni someta yubi de
(My finger being dyed in the scarlet color of scattered petals)
額を飾る 棘を編んで
Hitai wo kazaru toge wo ande
(My forehead being adorned with knitted thorns)
私はいま 贖罪のしるし
Watashi wa ima shokuzai no shirushi
(I am now the symbol of compensation)
茨の蔓の冠 戴く
Ibara no tsuru no kanmuri itadaku
(Receiving a crown made of thorny tendrils)

Hohotsutai ochiru shizuku
(A drop of water falling along my cheek)
渇いた大地に 染みて
Kawaita daichi ni somite
(Piercing through the thirsty earth)
生命の芽 潤すよう
Inochi no me uruosu you
(To moisten the sprout of life)
雨となりて注ぎたい あなたに
Ame to narite sosogitai anata ni
(I would wish for the rain to pour down on you)

この胸の中 溢るる
Kono mune no naka afururu
(Overflowing inside my breasts)
光 舞い降りる
Hikari maioriru
(The descending light)
祈りの種は 耀う
Inori no tane wa kagayou
(The seed of prayer is shining)
Kiseki ni mebuku
(It will soon sprout into a miracle)

xN rre harr f.s. tes maoh ess ouvyu sechel/.
(Standing on the ruins of forgotten time, Rhaplanca whispered to Maoh)

:/xO rre qejyu m.t.y.y. anw daedu/.
(“Human’s lives are limited to just giving birth to ugly things)

Naave wEsLYN ayulsa sphaela/.
(Therefore they created an eternal world without anxiety or sorrow)

xE rre vega a.u.k. ayulsa Asiance_qejyu/:
(Here is the eternal paradise, the land which people struggle desperately to reach”)

xN rre Maoh s.s.w. tie Rhaplanca enw h.k.t.t. has/.
(Maoh held Rhaplanca and told her)

:/Reta yorr tYAnU za j.d.r. goa Aujes_qejyu/.
(“No matter how foolish people are, don’t let yourself be apprehended)

sYAlA Atitia_qejyu/.
(There exist good hearts too within human)

Reta yorr hYArAnAt oucc/.
(Come with me)

xU yorr vUsUk 1000 Aujes_qejyu/.
(The reflection of 1000 malice and lust in your eyes makes me feel sad)

wYAfA za rYAfrm 1001 Atitia_qejyu en vYAsk yor/:
(I want to reveal the 1001st beautiful heart to you, and I want it to touch your heart”)

白き脚で 泥土を踏みしめ
Shiroki ashi de deido wo fumishime
(My white feet stepping on the mud)
翼は終に 穢るるとも
Tsubasa wa tsui ni kegaruru tomo
(My wings finally became tainted)
私はただ 生命果つるまで
Watashi wa tada inochi hatsuru made
(I would just, till the end of my life)
未来を信じて彼方へ はばたく
Asu wo shinjite kanata e habataku
(Fly toward the faraway place of believed future)

贖いは いつか旅の
Aganai wa itsuka tabi no
(One day, my atonement)
全てを終える その日に
Subete wo oeru sono hi ni
(All shall end, and on that day)

はてなき願い 謳おう
Hatenaki negai utaou
(Let us sing the song of endless wishes)
想い 重ねあう
Omoi kasaneau
(Deepen our thoughts)
つないだ指は 幾重の
Tsunaida yubi wa ikue no
(Our connected fingers are multiplied)
Hanabira no you ni
(Like the flower petals)

この胸の中 溢るる
Kono mune no naka afururu
(Overflowing inside my breasts)
光 降り注げ
Hikari furisosoge
(The descending light)
希いの木々は いつしか
Negai no kigi wa itsushika
(The trees of hope will, soon)
Sora eto todoku
(Reach the sky)

xN herra h.r.n.t. anw sphaela ttu y.y. 1000 hiewi meryu/.
(In order to heal the 1000 bitter memories, the two traveled around the world)

xN harr v.s.k. nafa eje en Atitia_qejyu enw h.r.n.t./.
(During the journey, she saw, with her eyes, people’s warmth and hearts)

xN rre Rhaplanca y.y. eh 1001 Atitia_qejyu,
(The 1001 beautiful memories had been healed inside Rhaplanca’s body)

en harr w.n.s. anw ouvyu sechel sev maen olo/.
(And one night under the shining full moon she returned to that place once again)

xN harr h.l.s.s. ess ouvyu sechel.
(Standing on the place where the dead ones are confined, Rhaplanca fearfully expressed her lamentation)

:/xU rre vega a.u.k. zz ayulsa siance/.
(“Here is merely the capital of death)

xU rre vega a.u.k. zodal sechel/:
(There was no garden of happiness after all”)

xN harr y.z.t. en y.z.t. enw raklya /.
(Then, her tears kept flowing and a strong wish embraced her breasts)

:/mAtUyYAy 1001 Implanta/:
(“I will give life to the 1001st seed”)

kenka wa yamete!?
Will you stop fighting!?

Uh nyamo! nyamo!! papulipua!!!
にゃも にゃも 困っちゃう!
Nyamo, nyamo, it’s bothering me!

kuroneko-san shironeko-san
Black Cat-san and White Cat-san
mainichi igamiai
quarrel every day,
dochira no kenami ga suteki ka
arguing tirelessly
akizu ni kisotteru
over whose coat is best.

boku no karada wa tsuyayaka sa
My body is beautiful
kurohyou no kanroku
with the dignity of of a black panther.
watashi no kenami wa fuwafuwa
My coat is fluffy
osora no kumo no you
like the clouds in the sky.

doushite nakayoku dekinai no?
Why can’t you get along?
sentou taisei
Battle stances
ほら すぐ かみつきひっかき おおさわぎ!
hora sugu kamitsuki hikkaki oosawagi!
Look, soon it’ll be a big scene with biting and scratching!

けんかはやめて! あらそわないで!!
kenka wa yamete! arasowanaide!!
Stop fighting! Don’t compete!!
毛皮のモヨウも イロイロだけど
kegawa no moyou mo iroiro dakedo
There’s all sorts of fur patterns.
けんかはやめて! あらそわないで!!
kenka wa yamete! arasowanaide!!
Stop fighting! Don’t compete!!
みんなステキじゃ ダメかしら?
minna suteki ja dame kashira?
Is “Everyone is great” no good?

Was ki ra quen kyakkya yor
あなたも わたしも
You and I
en mea en kyakkya kyakkya.
なかよし なかよし
are good, good friends.

shimaneko-san no gojiman no
Stripy Cat-san’s pride,
shippo wa chou rongu!
his tail, is super long!
mikeneko-san no kagi shippo
Tortoiseshell Cat-san’s kinked tail
itsumo baka ni shiteru
always makes a fool of him.

doushite jiman bakari na no?
Why all this just for pride?
イヤミだらけで トゲトゲ
iyami darake de togetoge
All this thorny sarcasm
minna no kokoro ni sasatteru
pricks everyone’s hearts.

けんかはやめて! あらそわないで!!
kenka wa yamete! arasowanaide!!
Stop fighting! Don’t compete!!
shippo no nagasa wa iroiro dakedo
There’s all sorts of tail lengths.
けんかはやめて! あらそわないで!!
kenka wa yamete! arasowanaide!!
Stop fighting! Don’t compete!!
zenbu suteki ja dame kashira?
Is “They’re all great” no good?
dame kashira?
No good?

mikkadzuki benchi ni suwatte
Sitting on a bench when there’s a crescent moon,
ヨフカシして 遊ぼう
yofukashi shite asobou
let’s stay up late and play.
昨日あった イヤなことは
kinou atta iya na koto wa
The unpleasant things that happened yesterday
ほら 流れ星がさらってゆくよ
hora nagareboshi ga saratteyuku yo
Look, a shooting star is washing them away!

Wee paks ra wael yorra yulun anw hueaf zixxa tes syezo,
つまらない意地は スープにとかして
Let’s turn these boring attitudes into soup,
en koffl sor jam lornya.
ハチミツ入れて 飲んじゃおう
put in some honey, and drink it up.

Was yea ra viela cor yorra chs kiakkya kiakkya
You can get along.
acra acra erlla erlla yanje yanje,
きっときっと もっともっと ずっとずっと
Surely, surely, more and more, always and always,
cietta yorra trina yanyaue nyamonyas !!
だって本当は 気づいたらみんなともだち!
because the the truth is, if you’d realize it, we’re all friends!

makike ga suteki na kaaru-chan
The frizzy-haired one is the beautiful Curl-chan. *
ネグセがついても めだたない!
neguse ga tsuite mo medatanai!
Even if she’s got bedhead, it won’t stand out!

boukan kegawa no fusa neko-san wa
Tufty Cat-san with the pelt that protects against cold
samugaru koneko no hiiroo da!
is a hero to the kittens that complain about the chill!

kijineko-san wa kuishinbou
Tabby Cat-san is a glutton,
でも ハラペコさんには ごちそうしちゃう!
demo harapeko-san ni wa gochisou shichau!
but he treats the starving one to a meal!

bouken daisuki buchi neko-san
The adventure-loving Spotty Cat-san
小箱にはまって 抜けなくて
kobaku ni wa matte nukenakute
waited in a little box and can’t get out.
たいへん困って にゃーにゃーにゃー!
taihen komatte nyaa nyaa nyaa!
He’s in a really bad spot, nyaa nyaa nyaa!

shironeko-san wa osharesan
White Cat-san is stylish.
よごれたみんなを 毛づくろい!
yogoreta minna wo kedzukuroi!
She grooms everyone who’s dirty!

koneko no gyangu wa itazuramono
The kitten gang is full of mischief makers,
でも迷子になったら ナミダ目ニャーニャー!
demo maigo ni nattara namidame nyaa nyaa!
but if they get lost, they cry nyaa nyaa with teary eyes!

bosu no saba neko-san wa
The boss Mackeral Cat-san
ランボウだけど 町の平和を守ってる!
ranbou dakedo machi no heiwa wo mamotteru!
is rough, but he protects the town’s peace!

Uh nyamo! nyamo!! nyasyamorina!!!
にゃも にゃも とってもしあわせ!
Nyamo, nyamo, we’re very happy!

Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key en grandee sos dius yor.
Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem.
Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,
en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.

Was au ga, Diasee, Pausee,
aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,
siepir tes pauwel an hyzik,
fatere tes pauwel chs deleir, en ousye yor.

Wee ki ra selena anw yasra wiene,
en chs Chronicle Key sos yor.
Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mae iem.
Grandi en eterne slepial
presia aterra cremia sos viuy lonfa,
yehar lamenza der soare mea.

mou gaman bakka shiterannai yo
iitai koto wa iwanakucha

kaerimichi yuugure no basutei
ochikonda senaka ni Bye Bye Bye

kimi no Fighting Pose misenakya Oh! Oh!

yume ni made mita you na sekai wa
arasoi mo naku heiwa na nichijou

demo genjitsu wa hibi TORABU tte
tama ni kuyandari shiteru sonna Rolling days

koronjatta tte ii n janai no
son’toki wa waratte ageru

norikonda BASU no oku kara
chiisaku hohoemi ga mieta

kimi wo tayori ni shiteru yo Oh! Oh!

yume ni made mita you na Sweet Love
koibito tachi wa kakurega wo sagasu no

demo genjitsu wa aenai hi ga
tsuzuki nagara mo shinjiteru no Lonely days

tsumazuita tte Way to go!!
Yeah!! Yeah!! dorodarake Rolling star!!

narubeku egao de itai keredo
mamorinuku tame ni wa shikata nai desho?

kitto uso nante sou imi wo motanai no
~ All my loving
sou janakya yatterannai

yume ni made mita you na sekai wa
arasoi mo naku heiwa na nichijou
demo genjitsu wa hibi TORABU tte
tama ni kuyandari shiteru sonna Rolling days

… sou wakatteru tte
tsumazuita tte Way to go!!
Yeah!! Yeah!! dorodarake Rolling star!!

ah ah ah ah ah

Miwaku no tobira jyuurai no tenbou datte

yuragisou ni naru seishun jidai de

jinsei ga kawaru koishitai no ni

okubyou ni naru mondai yamadzuminan da

kotae wo michibiku tame ni ha This feeling

kirisuterarenai All night long

Yume janaiyai yai yai yai yai?

te ga todokisou na GLORIA

tama ni mienakunatte

Cry yai yai yai yai yai?

chikamichi wo sagashite mo onaji ne

mata mayotte shimau desho

ah ah ah ah ah

seikousha no koe takadaka ni

kataru EPISOODO taningoto mitai

ima no watashi chiisana heya de

kangaeteiru kuusou no mirai ni

toikakete miru keredo That feeling

IMEEJI dekinai no ga All night long

Maketenai yai yai yai yai?

Kagayaku saki ni GLORIA

chikadzuiteru hazu sa

Cry yai yai yai yai yai?

Mou dare no sei ni mo shinai yo

zenbu dakishimeteiku

Muchuu ni narena kya uso ne

uh uh uh sakura ga saku koro ni kitto

uh uh uh atarashii jibun ni deaeru no

yume janai hazu yo mukuwareru to shinjiteru

hontou ha kowaii kedo

Cry yai yai yai yai yai?

kuyashii kimochi ga aru kara Get Glory days*

Maketenai yai yai yai yai?

kagayaku saki ni GLORIA

chikadzuiteru hazu sa

Cry yai yai yai yai yai?

nemurenai yoru ni hitori

hiza wo kakaekonde mo

baby naiteru jikan ha nai

ah ah ah ah ah